Telit EVK2 User Guide
1vv0300704 Rev.13- 2012/06/25
Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A. written authorization - All Rights Reserved
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Document History
Rev 0
First issue
Rev 1
Added PCB weight and dimensions pag.9
Added default setup pag.8
Correct mA/h with mAh pag.16
Unified the scripting “impedance coil” pag.19 and pag.20
Insert the power supply pag.7
Correct the serial lines scripting on block diagrams
Insert the pin number of CS1150 connector.
Correct the serial interfaces descriptions pag.7
Rev 2
Modified in chapter 11.1 description of CS1170 pag. 29
Moved par.2.2 to par.4 and extended the STARTUP PROCEDURE to pag.11
Par.3 pag.9: Added mother boards block diagrams
Pag.11: Correct GE863 Interface physical dimensions and added Dual
Camera Interface physical dimensions.
Moved par.4.4 and 4.5 to par.6.5 as Application Notes
Moved par.7.3, 7.4 and 7.5 to par.9.3 as Warning
Pag.26: Correct the Reset Button function description.
Pag.20: Updated the Cross List Table
From par.14 to par.18: Added interfaces description
Removed all “Interface Board” “Printed Circuits Name” cross references
Par.20: Added all electric diagrams.
Replaced GC864 interface photo pag.46
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