Telit EVK2 User Guide
1vv0300704 Rev.13- 2012/06/25
Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A. written authorization - All Rights Reserved
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Other than the ASCII UART, the user must also connect the host module’s GPIOs to the
corresponding signals of the GPS receiver (as explained in the next paragraphs).
GPS to RS-232 (external host controlling configuration)
This configuration allows sending the GPS output to the Trace serial connector of the EVK2.
Figure 37. GPS to RS-232 (Trace) configuration
The NMEA sentences can be redirected to EVK2’s USB port by setting PL201 as explained
in the Figure 37, i.e. connecting the NMEA line with the RS-232, and at the same time
setting the EVK2 serial line on USB Mode, as shown in Paragraph 7.1 of this document.
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