TELINDUS 1132/1133
Interface User’s Guide
Version 2.0
Page 30/57 December
4.6.6 IP
IP QoS services from the Network Service Provider (NSP) is applicable to the output device
(Egress side). Meaning the IP QoS traffic shaping is associated with any transmitted traffic from
the perspective of the NSP. Each output device has 3 priority queues associated with transmit
data. The High priority queue has strict priority over medium and low priority queues. The Medium
and Low priority queues are serviced on a Round Robin priority basis according to the configured
weights (WRR), after the High priority queue has been completely serviced.
The "IP QoS" section under "Advanced section" allows you to setup IP QoS for a connection.
The "IP QoS" section has two sub-sections - QoS Setup Page and Rule Setup Page.
QoS Setup Page
The QoS setup page allows you to configure IP QoS for a connection, to view the configured QoS
rules and to add/delete a QoS rule. See Figure 20 (QoS Setup Page).
Choose a connection: This field allows you choose a connection from the list of available
connections. For e.g. Choose a WAN connection to enable IP QoS for the Upstream traffic of the
Modem. On the other hand choose the LAN connection (Ethernet and USB Bridged) for the
downstream traffic.
Low/Medium priority weights: These 2 fields will allow you to select the weights of the Medium
and Low priority queues in increments of 10 percent, so that that the sum of the weights of these
2 queues is equal to 100 percent.
Enable IP QoS: This field allows you to enable/disable IP QoS for the chosen connection.
Trusted Mode: The NSP has two primary modes of operation with regard to queue traffic
prioritization - Trusted and Un-trusted. This field allows you to choose the mode - Trusted
(checked) and Un-trusted (Unchecked).
In "Trusted mode" all the rules will be applied first, regardless of the setting of the TOS bits. After
the rules have been exhausted the existing TOS bit settings will be honored. The "Un-trusted"
mode will match first against all rules as in "Trusted" mode. The difference is that if there is no
match then a default rule will be used. The default rule will have an associated queuing priority -
Rules section: This section displays a list of configured rules, allows you to add a new rule and
allows you to delete an existing rule.
Each rule is a Matching criteria that identifies an Application traffic to be transmitted by the NSP
using one of the 3 Priority Queues - High, Medium and Low.
Note: If IP QoS is enabled and no rules are defined, a Default Rule is added which is hidden. The
Default Rule puts all the Traffic to be transmitted in the Low Priority Queue.