The lead times for the audible guidance tones are increased proportionally to your driving speed. For example, this
allows more time for changing lanes before a turn if you are driving at highway speeds as opposed to driving more
slowly on local streets.
Miss a Turn?
Whenever you miss a turn, turn the wrong way, turn too early or too late, or otherwise get off the planned route to your
destination, TeleNav GPS Navigator automatically creates a new route to your desired destination, and an audible tone
announces that a new set of instructions is available.
If you realize you have missed a turn or have otherwise gotten off the route, just keeping driving. TeleNav GPS
Navigator detects your current location and recalculates a new set of driving directions to get you back on track.
It may take approximately 15 to 30 seconds for TeleNav GPS Navigator to update your route. If during this process you
make additional deviations from your current route, TeleNav GPS Navigator may have to contact its servers for another
new route.
Since TeleNav GPS Navigator requires access your carrier’s network, if you are off route and outside of the carrier’s
coverage area, you must return to your carrier’s coverage area in order for TeleNav GPS Navigator to recalculate your
Navigation Views
The default navigation view is 3D moving maps, but you may wish to use another
option when you are navigating. Pull over and stop your vehicle in a safe place
before changing navigation options. You may even wish to plan your trip before
you start by looking at other navigation views.
You can access other navigation views after you start a navigation session. Press
softkey to call up the menu.
Use the
navigation keys in the View menu to select the desired
navigation view. Then press
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