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TVP Manual (full) March 2007 CE rev 03.doc
Section 3 Trouble shooting guide
3.00 TVP water vapour vacuum pumps are made up of 4 essential sub systems.
1. Refrigeration system
2. Power electrical / Water supply
3. Low voltage electrical and interface
4. Control electronics
Of these the first two account for almost all system problems. When diagnosing a fault take
time to discover and record all system parameters always treat the TVP and related vacuum
system as a “black box”
3.01 Alarm messages
Note all alarm messages before resetting unit. Repeated alarm messages can be an indication
of imminent system failure or failure of the water supply.
The system will shut down if control parameters are breached and an error message will be
displayed: If a system parameter breached a manual reset is required.
Error code
Display message
DP High
Discharge pressure high
SP Low
Suction pressure low
WT High
Water temperature high (greater than 35
DT High
Discharge gas temperature has exceeded 145
O/P Switch
System over pressure trip has been triggered
Phase error
Phase rotation wrong or missing, or “Over
Pressure” switch tripped
3.02 Refrigeration leaks
These are the number one cause of poor system performance and failure. Almost all leaks in
the field are attributable to poor installation practices.
Checking the system balance pressure
If a leak is suspected the system should be shut down for a period of approximately 48 hours
(or until the value of the CT is greater than 10°c. The values of DP and SP should be taken
and compared with the values following installation.
On power up the suction pressure, discharge pressure or water temperature may be outside of
acceptable values correct these first before attempting to start the system.
3.03 Topping system up
The TVP should be operated between the design balance pressures of 200 to 235psi. If the
pressure falls below these values the system maybe topped up using a top up charge. Part
number 75-1000-00 or 75-1100-00. Topping up the system when the pressure has fallen
below 130psi is not recommended as critical components may not be replaced by the top up