USB-PD Physical Layer Testing
USB-PD Physical Layer Testing
The USB-PD TDMP option enables you to run Transmitter-side (Tx) physical layer tests defined by the
USB-PD standard concurrent with the waveform decoding. This allows you to gain insight into signal performance
that is useful for debugging prior to compliance testing. Tests are available in all categories (electrical, timing, slew
rate, etc.).
To access the physical layer tests, choose Analysis > USB-PD from the menu bar.
Configure Tests
You choose from among the standard conformance tests in each category (BMC Common Parameters, BMC
Transmitter, etc.) and configure them for your signal.
1. On the USB-PD dialog, check Enable and choose the Source decode.
2. Check Show Decode if you wish to display the decoded source waveform and table along with the PHY
3. To gate measurements to only the zoomed areas (e.g., a single index of the decoder table), check Apply Only
to Zoom.
4. Open the Measure dialog, select the test number (USB-PD
), test Category and Measurement, then make any
other settings required for the measurement.
Be sure it is checked On to add it to the table.
5. Choose to Measure on All or One burst/event (options change depending on the measurement).
If One, enter the Index number of the burst/event. This is the number associated with it on the USB-PD
decoder result table.
6. Use the Histogram, Track, and Trend buttons on the Measure dialog to quickly plot the test measurement
results on a separate grid.
Pre-defined tests can be quickly disabled/re-enabled it by clearing or marking its respective checkbox
) on the USB-PD dialog.
If you have not already completed decoder setup, click Show Decode Setup on the USB-PD dialog and configure the
source decoder. All tests are run on the decoded waveform results. The inputs used are defined with the decoder.