WavePro HD Getting Started Guide
Front Panel
Most of the front panel controls duplicate functionality available through the
touch screen display. They are covered in more detail in the Basics section
and in the
WavePro HD Oscilloscopes Operator’s Manual
Shortcut buttons
arranged across the top of the front panel give quick
access to commonly used functions.
Touch Screen button
enables or disables touch screen functionality.
Save button
performs the last action you set on the Save dialog: save a
setup file, waveform file, memory, screen image or LabNotebook.
User button
can be configured to perform your choice of functions: save
LabNotebook, waveform or setup files; save setups or waveforms to internal
memory; "print" the screen to a file or to hardcopy; find optimal Vertical Scale
for a selected channel, etc. See the
Operator's Manual
for instructions.
When cursors are turned off, the Cursor knobs act as the
Adjust knobs
raise/lower the value when a data entry field is selected, or raise/lower trace
intensity when a waveform is selected. Pushing the Adjust knobs returns
settings to the default value.
All the knobs on the front panel function one way if
turned and another if pushed like a button. The first label
describes the knob’s principal “turn” action; the second
label describes its “push” action.
Many front panel buttons light to indicate which
functions and traces are active. The labels for Trigger,
Horizontal, Vertical and Cursors/Adjust also light in the
color of the trace that is currently associated with these