Use this document for quick installation and setup.
Frontline® X240
is capable of capturing and demodulating all RF channels and packet
types defined in all released Bluetooth specifications and beyond. The user is not required to
specify the addresses of the devices to be captured or their roles (master or slave) during
the connection lifetime. Prior to capturing the data the user does not need to enter any
information (PIN, OOB, long term key, link key) used to encrypt or decrypt data. X240
provides live capture of all 79 Classic Bluetooth channels or 40 Bluetooth low energy
channels storing data for both live and post-capture analysis. This quick start guide provides
sufficient information to begin data capture. Detailed hardware and software information is
contained in the
Wireless Protocol Suite Hardware and Software User Manual
. The manual
is available on FTE.com.
Frontline X240
Protocol Analyzer
Inspect the received shipping container for any damage. Unpack the container and account
for each of the system components listed on the accompanying packing list. Visually inspect
each component for absence of damage. In the event of damage, notify Teledyne LeCroy.
Retain all shipping materials for shipper's inspection. The X240
hardware does not
contain any user serviceable items. Any repairs and maintenance must be performed by a
service technician that has been trained and approved by Teledyne LeCroy. Before any
service is performed on X240
, all power sources must be removed. This includes
disconnecting any USB cables. The user should use the AC power supply and car adapter
included with the X240. USB Type C power must be provided via PD.
The analyzer package includes the following components in addition to the X240:
Frontline X240
Protocol Analyzer
Quick Start Guide