Document use is restricted to that described on cover
Add another 5mA to each value, 91+5= 96mA Forward Link
85+5=90mA Reverse Link
The new values can be inserted into the Threshold Alarm settings
DC current High alarm Forward Link set to 96mA
DC current High alarm Reverse Link set to 90mA
In the event that the current reaches this alarm setting, an email will be sent, sudden high current could
indicate a possible problem.
Low Current Alarm Settings
Using the same data set from the Status Page.
For low current alarm threshold we need to be less than the normal operating current. For low current
settings minus 5mA from the operating current.
Minus 5mA to each value, 91-5= 86mA Forward Link
85-5=80mA Reverse Link
DC current low alarm Forward Link set to 86mA
DC current low alarm Reverse Link set to 80mA
In the event that the current reaches this alarm setting, an email will be sent.
Sudden low current could indicate a possible problem or failure.
The email alarm counter records the number of times and email was sent. You can reset the counter to
zero by clicking the Reset Alarm Counter Box.