Equipment Connections
Powering Up
The TMG3200 is furnished with one or optionally two AC or DC power connections. Only once all other
equipment installation work has been completed should the TMG3200 be powered up.
To power the TMG3200, you will need:
A power source.
One power cable for the TMG3200. Optionally a second power cable is required if the TMG3200 is
furnished with a secondary power supply.
Connecting to AC Power
The TMG3200 is furnished with one or optionally two AC power connectors.
To connect the TMG3200 to AC Power:
1. Connect one AC power cable between the AC connector of the TMG3200 and an AC supply. See
figure 2.9 on page 20. If the TMG3200 features a second AC connector, connect an additional AC
power cable between this connector and an AC power supply. If the TMG3200 features a second
power supply and it is not connected to an AC power source, press the green button located at the
rear of the unit to disable the audible alarm. See figure 2.9 on page 20.
2. Power up theTMG3200 by turning on its AC power switch(es).