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PA3000 Four-channel, Multi-phase AC/DC Power Analyzer
Inrush Current Testing
12. When the measurement grid is updating, connect the DUT to measure the inrush current.
13. Hover over the Apk+ and Apk- measurements to find the maximum positive and negative
inrush current.
14. To graphically view the inrush current peak, right-click Apk+ and Apk- and then select the
Trend Measurements.
The Trend chart will start updating with real time results of Apk+ and Apk- values.
Connecting the DUT will graphically show the inrush current peak value.
15. To reset the Min and Max values on the Trend graph, click the Reset icon.
Tektronix recommends repeating the inrush current measurements by connecting the DUT several
times to capture the highest possible peak value. The highest possible peak value occurs on the
peak voltage cycle and it is important to capture this point for the maximum inrush current. It is also
important to wait a few moments between connecting the DUT to allow the input capacitance on the
device to completely discharge.
Data Logging. All instances of inrush current testing can be recorded using the Record feature
of the PWRVIEW software.
To record data using PWRVIEW, click the Record button on the menu bar.
The software will start recording all the selected data including formulas and limits.
To stop the data logging, click the Stop button.
All the recorded data is stored in a database on the local computer.
To access the data, click the Results tab and then click the Measure icon.
The dialog box will present all the archived data.
Select the desired data set and export to either an Excel or a .csv format.