Raster Display
A raster-type display can be used to effectively increase the
apparent sweep length. For this type of display, the trace
is deflected both vertically and horizontally by sawtooth sig
nals. One way of accomplishing this is by insta l l i ng a 78-
series time-base unit i n one of the horizontal compartments,
and a dual-trace 7 A-series amplifier unit in one of the verti
cal compartments. A sawtooth signal must be externany
connected to one of the dual-trace amplifier inputs. Nor
the vertical unit should be swept slower than the
horizontal unit; the number of hori zontal traces in the ras
ter depends upon the ratio of the two sweep rates. I nfor
mation can be displayed on the raster using different met·
hods. To display information, a signal connected to the
unused input of the dual-trace amplifier unit can be added
to the vertical deflection. Using this method, the vertical
signal amplitude on the crt should not exceed the distance
between the horizontal l ines of the raster. Another method
of displaying information on the raster is to use the Z-AXIS
Operating Instructions-7844/R7844 Operators
input to provide intensity modulation of the raster display.
With this system, a 7B-series time-base unit can be substi
tuted for the external sawtooth generator and the dual-trace
amplifier unit. This type of raster display could be used to
provide a television-type display. Additional information
for using the Z-AX I S feature is given under Intensity Modu
To provjde a stable raster display, both time-base units must
be correctly triggered. I ntE)fnal triggering is not provided for
the time-base units when they are used in the vertical com
partments (external triggering must be used). Also, blanking
is not provided for the time-base units when they are in
sta l l ed in the vertical compartment. To blank out the re
trace portion from the time-base unit in the vertical compart
ment, special connection must be made from the time-base
unit to the blanking network {for further information see
the time-base unit instruction manual } .