10 TEGAM WAY • GENEVA, OHIO 44041 • 440-466-6100 • FAX 440-466-6110
and verify a reading of ± 0.004 Ω of the calibration
Disconnect the +E side of the test leads from the R1L-D1
(leaving connections between the +I and -I terminals).
Depress the R1L-D1 "Mode" button to place the R1L-D1 in
2-wire mode. Connect the 10 Ω standard, and verify a
reading of ± 0.1 Ω of the calibration value. Connect the 1
kΩ standard, and verify a reading of ± 0.4 Ω of the
calibration value.
Push the R1L-D1 "Backlight" button and verify the
backlight turns ON and OFF.
Place the R1L-D1 in 4-wire mode and reconnect the leads
to the 10 Ω standard. Toggle the R1L-D1 backlight ON
and OFF, and verify the displayed reading does not
change by more than ± 1 count.
Depress the R1L-D1 "Range" button to manually place
the R1L-D1 in the 2 Ω range. Verify the R1L-D1 LCD
indicates "4OVER 2000 mΩ".
At a convenient time, fully charge the R1L-D1 battery
cells by connecting the AC line cord to the R1L-D1. Leave
the R1L-D1 switched OFF. The R1L-D1 battery cells
should be fully charged within approximately 8 hours
after AC power is applied.
Test with the precision decade resistance box, if the unit
fails to perform in accordance with these tests, repair
and/or calibration is required. First recalibrate, as described.
If the unit still fails to perform, repair is required.
Check voltages at the following test points (all voltages are
read with respect to TP104 (common). Location of these
test point is indicated on the Parts Layout drawing, Figure 4.