10 TEGAM WAY • GENEVA, OHIO 44041 • 440-466-6100 • FAX 440-466-6110
and its battery holder terminal to disconnect battery
power. Connect the negative lead from the Multimeter to
TP103, and the positive lead from the Multimeter to TP102
(should read less than 3 V). Adjust the Variable DC Power
Supply for 7.0 ± 0.1 V and turn it OFF.
, connect the negative DC Power
Supply lead to TP103 and the positive lead to TP102.
Carefully orient the R1L-D1 front panel so you can
observe its LCD readout. Turn ON the DC Power Supply
and turn ON the RIL-D.
Adjust the DC Power Supply voltage downward, and
verify the R1L-D1 LCD reading does not vary by more
than ± 1 count as the voltage is turned down to where
"BATT", indicating low battery voltage is displayed on the
LCD. Also verify "BATT" appears at a Power Supply
voltage of 5.35 ± 0.1 V.
Turn the R1L-D1 OFF. Disconnect the DC Power Supply
and Multimeter leads. Connect the serial cable from the
personal computer (PC) to the R1L-D1, open
HyperTerminal and setup the RS-232 parameters with
following setting. Rest the R1L-D1 front panel in its
proper orientation in its yellow case.
Step 1: Enter a
name such as