Operating manual
BE 984 i
4.7.5 Calibrate with current 4-20mA
- measure 0% Load and measure 100% Load
- measure 0% Load and enter 100% Load value in mA.
- enter value for 0% Load in mA and enter 100% Load value in mA
Press key
or and choose between 0% Load or Sensitivity
0% Load - Relieve sensor from load
Sensitivity - Enter the value fort the sensitivity in mA (4-20 mA)
Press Key
and choose between 100% Load or Sensitivity
100% Load - Calibrate with 100% Load
Sensitivity - Enter the value for the sensitivity in mA
SAFE - Accept calibration values
If you cannot chose a sensor or it does not run in measure mode, the parameters deposited for this
sensor are wrong / wrong calibration.
New calibration
4.8 Interface and Connectivity
4.8.1 Connection for strain gauge sensors:
Power suppy via E3907: 5VDC max. 20mA, short circuit protected
Bridge resistance: min. 350 Ohm, only full bride, 4- or 6-conductor
Sensitivity: up to 3,3mV/V, other values on request
100% control: via E3907 applied via control input
4.8.2 Connection for active Sensors:
Voltage input: 0…±10VDC, max. 5mA, output resistance < 1Ohm
Current inputS: 0…20mA, 4…20mA, an 75Ohm burden
4.8.3 Visual evaluation:
Display: 8-digit LCD display with backlight
4.8.4 Trigger input:
The device has an electrically isolated control input: Trigger. This input can e.g. be controlled with a PLC, a remote
switch, a foot switch, etc..
As a control signal, the following voltage levels are applied for each logic state at the jack:
Logic state
Low level
High level
Voltage level
0 V – 2 V
3,5 V – 27 V
Depending on the setting, data can hereby either be logged or transferred as interface data output. This input has a
high sampling rate and therefore are also very short pulses detected.
2 pol jack:
4.8.5 RS232 / USB:
The E3907 uses for the serial data transfer either an RS232 or a USB interface.