Tecomat TC600
TXV 138 08.02
10.5.6 Servicing of Analog Outputs
In the case of fitting the optional piggyback OT-13 or OT-14, the sw con-
figuration of BM standard-fitted inputs and outputs is complemented in the
way which depends on the BM type.
In BM of TC601 to TC604, the sw configuration is complemented by the
new directive
for the
piggyback OT-13 or OT-14. Example of the di-
#unit 0, 0, Analog_600_, 0, 4, 0, Yn, On
; analog outputs of OT-13
#unit 0, 0, Analog_600_, 0, 8, 0, Yn, On
; analog outputs of OT-14
Placement of image of outputs (parameter Yn) depends on the BM type
(is linked to image of binary outputs).
In BM of TC605 and TC606, the directive
of analog inputs and
outputs is complemented by parameters for the piggyback OT-13 or OT-14.
Examples of the extended directive:
#unit 0, 0, Analog_600_, 8, 4, X2, Yn, On, IniAI
; analog inputs of BM
; and analog outputs of OT-13
#unit 0, 0, Analog_600_, 8, 8, X2, Yn, On, IniAI
; analog inputs of BM
; and analog outputs of OT-14
Placement of image of outputs (parameter Yn) depends on the BM type
(is linked to the image of binary outputs).
BM analog outputs occupy 4 or 8 bytes in the image of outputs in the
scratchpad, depending on the type of the fitted piggyback (parameter of the
#unit POC_OUT = 4 or 8
). Setting of the outputs according to
the binary representation of levels written in images of outputs is done in the
cycle loop. Initial address of the zone in the scratchpad is defined by the pa-
of directive
Zone of images of analog outputs in the scratchpad has the following
AO0 .7
AO1 .7
AO7 .7
Besides the way of outputs control given above, analog outputs are ac-
cessible by direct writing of instructions WR with the operand U and the
physical output address. For structure of the physical address see item
10.5.7 Servicing of Serial Channels
Declaration of CH1 is not performed.
CH2 is assigned to the scratchpad memory by the directive
general structure according to 10.5.2.
CH3 is declared in the case that the optional piggyback MR-14 or MR-15
is fitted, and in the same way as CH2.
Automatically generated sw configuration contains the directive
for CH2 and CH3 only after previous writing of the directive by the user.
#unit 0, 2, _CHx, 255, 255, R0, R255, On, IniCH2
; serial channel CH2
#unit 0, 3, _CHx, 255, 255, R510, R764, On, IniCH3
; serial channel CH3
Declaration of optional
analog outputs
Declaration of the
piggyback OT-13 and
OT-14 in BM of
TC601 to TC604
Declaration of the
piggyback OT-13 and
OT-14 in BM of
TC605, TC606
Servicing of analog
Structure of analog
outputs zone
Declaration of serial
channels CH1, CH2,
Example of CH2 and
CH3 declaration for
BM of TC601 to