Instruction and maintenance manual
1.2 Importance of the manual
A copy of this manual must always be made availa-
ble to the operators responsible for the installation,
operation and maintenance of the system in order to
allow them to carry out all the required operations in
compliance with the instructions provided in the
A full compliance with the instructions provided in
this manual is an essential requirement to be able to
correctly use the equipment and ensure the safety of
operators and other people.
The manual forms integral part of the system. There-
fore, all reproduction and divulgation rights related to
the manual or its attachments are reserved.
The manual must always be transferred to the new
owner of the system if the latter is sold.
1.3 Storing the manual
It is severely forbidden to remove parts, tear pages
or alter this manual.
The manual should always be carefully preserved so
that it is not damaged.
Always protect the manual from excessive humidity
and heat and store it in a location where it can be
easily accessed by operators in case of need.
1.4 Conventions
To simplify consultation, the manual has been divid-
ed into the following hierarchical order so that each
phase is described in detail:
Section 1 of the manual
Chapter 1 of Section 1 of the manual
Paragraph 1 of Chapter 1 of Section 1 of
the manual
Subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Chap-
ter 1 of Section 1 of the manual
Some chapters and/or sections contain bulleted lists
to allow operators to follow the operation described
step by step.
Parts that require specific attention are highlighted
with symbols.
Units of measure, including decimal values, have
been indicated using the international system of
1.5 Definition of symbols
All information related to safety is highlighted in
All warnings that draw the attention of operators on
operations that may be hazardous in terms of safety
or health or that may cause physical injuries, if the
applicable instructions are not followed, are high-
lighted in bold and marked with the following sym-
All warnings related to operations that have to be
carried out by skilled and qualified personnel are
highlighted in bold and marked with the following
1.6 Personnel responsible for the
operation of the system
Some operations, as stated in this manual, can only
be performed by qualified and skilled personnel. The
qualification level is described by means of the fol-
lowing standard definitions:
• Qualified personnel is personnel with specific
technical knowledge and/or the experience nec-
essary to avoid potential risks originating from
power and/or mechanical components (engineers
and technicians).
• Trained staff is personnel that operates following
the instructions and/or under the supervision of
qualified personnel, who is responsible for verify-
ing that they are not exposed to potential hazards
resulting from the contact with power and/or me-
chanical moving parts (personnel responsible for
operation and maintenance). .
• Before using the system, users shall always have
to verify with authorized personnel that:
1. All personnel has received a copy, has read and
understood the content of the instruction man-
2. All personnel has agreed to follow the instruc-
tions provided