Instruction and maintenance manual
In other words, the installation of mechanical stops
offsets the tangential forces that cause the part be-
ing machined to slide, thus guaranteeing maximum
Correctly positioning the mechanical stops is very
important, in particular when the contact surface
between the part and magnetic chuck is small (the
same concept also applies to the clamping force).
The mechanical stop can also be used as reference,
that is as zero point for the system.
It is particularly important to pay attention to
very long parts with a small thickness, because the
torque applied by the cutting force generated by the
tool may rotate the part during machining.
In this case, it is sufficient to place two mechanical
stops along the longest side of the part (in the op-
posite direction as compared to that of the cutting
force of the tool). See Example 2
If the lateral section, which is in contact with the me-
chanical stops, has already been machined (and has
therefore a flat surface), it is also possible to use a
magnetically clamped bracket as side stop.
Alternatively, it is also possible to use fixed polar ex-
tensions as mechanical stops. See Example 1
The magnetically clamped bar or fixed polar exten-
sions enable to use the system both as mechanical
support and for magnetic clamping purposes. Both
systems are in fact able to conduct the magnetic
Example 1
Example 2
8.3 Positioning the parts onto extensions
To be able to mill a part and obtain a level and paral-
lel surface when a magnetic clamping system is not
available, it is generally necessary to fit the support-
ing surface with shims.
This operation must be performed manually, re-
quires longer set-up times and must be performed
by skilled operators for satisfactory results.
The use of mobile polar extensions enables to shim
the part to machine automatically and very quickly.
Operation is based on the following principle:
A - Create a chuck by defining three fixed clamping
points (using fixed polar extensions F), in order
to obtain a working surface that intersects three
B - The remaining surface will have to be covered
with mobile polar extensions (M) that will adapt
to the irregularities of the surface and guarantee
a continuous magnetic flow between the chuck
and part to machine.
It is very important to install the highest number
of mobile polar extensions, as the actual clamp-