Install the aileron control linkage.
Cut two pieces of carbon fiber rod to a length of 150mm, four pieces of heat-shrink tubing to a length of
25mm,four pieces of plain wire to a length of 38mm.Heat the heat-shrink material with a heat gun to shrink it
into place. For extra security, apply some C/A to the end of the pushrod and allow it to "wick" into the joint.
Control System
Install the aileron, elevator and rudder servos
into the servo mounting hole in the fuselage.
Use some glue to secure them into place.
Because the size of servos differs, you may
need to cut the servo mounting hole larger to fit
your particular servos.
Install the control horns.
Glue them to the ailerons.
Cut two pieces of carbon fiber rod of 60mm,
then follow the same steps.
Install the rudder control linkage(480mm).
Slide two plywood pushrod supports over the
end of the carbon fiber rod .
Glue the plywood pushrod supports to
the fuselage after finish the installation of