Console control functions
– batch freezing
Instructions for setting the texture of the ice-cream:
The number (expressed as a percent age)
w hich appears on t he display (
), indicat es
t he f orce exert ed by t he t urbine in mixing
t he ice-cream and can vary f rom
(mixer t urbine mot or st opped) t o
(mot or in operat ion w it h liquid mixt ure) t o
% (maximum f orce t he mot or can
This number varies (t he value rises) t he t hicker t he t ext ure of t he ice-cream: i.e. t he harder t he ice-cream,
higher the number indicated on the display .
This value w hen t he ice-cream is ready can range f rom
t o
depending on t he model
. The right value f or your machine w ill be obt ained by experiment ing w it h a f irst f reeze-bat ch.
Whilst holding dow n key (
), press key (
) unt il t he display gives t he maximum value (
). Carry out a “ batch
freeze” and w hen the ice--cream is to your liking look on the display to see the number indicated (e.g.
While t he machine is in operat ion, hold dow n key (
) and press key (
) so t hat t he value on t he display,
regulat ed on
, drops t o t ally w it h t he number read f or t he ice-cream prepared (
). The LED (
) w ill f lash
int ermit t ent ly f or 1.5 seconds and immediat ely af t erw ards you w ill hear an alarm sound (dif f erent f rom t he
past eurizat ion alarm). It w ill sound f or 10 seconds t o w arn you t hat t he ice-cream is ready f or ext ract ion (w hile
t he alarm is sounding t he f reezing st ops w hereas st irring cont inues). If t he ice-cream is not ext ract ed t he
machine w ill st art t o f reeze again and w ill once again reach t he hardness value set . At t his point it w ill st op,
t he alarm w ill sound again as described above, and t he process w ill t hen co nt inue indef init ely.
This is t he right t ext ure f or your ice-cream and t he machine w ill t hen repeat it endlessly, w it hout any need t o
reset it each t ime.
If during subsequent bat ch f reezings t he ice-cream does not seem hard enough, or is t oo hard, t he hardness
value can be regulat ed even w hen t he machine is in operat ion. Hold dow n key (
), increase t he value t o
using key (
) (t o get harder ice-cream) or decrease t o
using key (
) (t o get sof t er ice-cream).
Generally speaking it is normal f or t he hardness
paramet ers t o vary slight ly f rom cream f lavoured
ice-cream t o f ruit ice-cream and f rom minimum t o
maximum quant it ies f rozen.
When varying t he hardness
never change the
value by more than 2% at a time.
Depending on t he model of machine (MIXGEL30,
MIXGEL50) or t he t ype of mix w hich is t o be
f rozen , it is possible and quit e normal f or a
value t o be set w hich is t oo high f or t he machine
t o reach, even t hough t he value is below 100. If
t his occurs, read t he maximum value achieved
and set t his value as t he hardness f or t hat
part icular t ype of ice-cream.
Summary of Contents for MIXGEL 30
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