reader module
6 Operating modes
There are two basic operating modes for the MREM 82 reader module.
Standard operating mode
External reader with wiegand output
6.1 Standard operating mode
Main operating mode. In this mode, the module acts as a controller for one door, reads RFID media and determines in its
memory whether or not the user should be authorized to enter and controls the lock output.
The module can be in online or offline standard operating mode. The function is identical in both modes, with the difference
that in the online mode, the module statuses are reported via the communication line (after changing the mode from offline
to online, the event archive is read from the module's memory). In both operating modes, the module can switch to
programming mode (after reading the programming card).
6.1.1 Offline mode
Offline, or autonomous / standalone mode. One module alone or more modules on the RS 485 bus, but without
connection to a PC. In this mode, events are stored in the module's internal memory, module authorizes users according
to the stored set access rights. Settings / configuration are performed by default using a PC or programming cards.
6.1.2 Online mode
In Online mode, the module or more modules on the line are connected to a PC running the relevant application such as
APS Hit or APS Administrator or the line is connected to the cloud using CON 110.IP and the administrator works in the
WebHit web application. In this case, each event is immediately written to the application.
6.1.3 Online authorization
The APS mini Plus system implements the option of Online authorization of access authorization. In such a use, the
connected PC decides on the validity of the read ID authorization. The reader must be MLO licensed to use it in this
authorization mode.
! Note: This feature is currently only available on desktop applications.
6.1.4 Secure lock control with WIO 22 module
The MREM 82 module itself contains a switching open drain transistor and there are connected wires to control the lock.
In this simple configuration, it is advisable to install the module in a safe zone, where we do not expect an attempt to
overcome so that someone will want to get to the cabling to control the lock. If we need the module to switch ‘‘ safely ‘‘,
we connect the WIO 22 module to its Wiegand output, we place WIO in a safe place, eg in a rack / cabinet or from the
inside above the door, from where it already controls the lock. The WIO module must first be paired with the MREM 82
reader module.