TCS TürControlSysteme AG
Subject to technical modifications.
Mail: [email protected]
In one building block with sev-
eral indoor stations, only one
indoor station shows black
lines on the video image.
Image interferences due to transi-
tion resistance.
The P-wire is not connected prop-
Die Anschlusskontakte sind nicht
richtig fest.
Image interferences due to near
disturbing sources such as external
power supplies or other electric
appliances, which are not shielded.
Relocate the video distributor and
any other passive assembly pack-
Distortion due to compensation
currents caused by potential differ-
Please check the line installation
and try to install active compo-
nents to one potential.
Insert a coupling element into the
video BUS in order to electrically
insolate it.
Please contact our technical dis-
tribution in order to get these ac-
Distorted image.
No accurate video signal due to
interchanged video wires.
The video BUS is not reverse
polarity protected.
Please change the wires V1 and
The image rolls.
The video signal cannot be syn-
Please check if all wires of the
video BUS are connected. If ne-
cessary please adjust the video
Multiple contours occur.
Image reflections, so called
images“ occur due to open lines.
The video strand is not closed.
Please insert the terminating re-
sistor at the last device of the
Contours of the second image
are visible.
Two video sources interfere.
Please remove the second video
source from the strand.
If necessary, connect this second
video source via a video switch to
the existing TCS:BUS.