5. To prevent scalds, lay a cloth over the pressurised steam container lock
before carefully undoing it. If residual steam escapes, it will be absorbed by
the cloth first.
6. Unscrew the lock on the steam container and remove the cloth together with
the lock.
7. Empty the steam container over a washbasin.
8. Fill the pressurised steam container with clear water and screw the lock back
9. Shake the base station carefully to loosen any remaining limescale that may
have formed inside the container and shake the water out again.
Repeat this procedure until the water runs out clear and clean and there is no
more residue.
There must always be water inside the pressurised steam container. You will
therefore then need to refill the steam container with water.
10. Fill the pressurised steam container with about 400 ml of clear, clean water
and screw the container lock back on.
Putting the steam iron set away
1. Empty the water tank.
Wind the mains cord around the cord storage
and place the iron on the iron rest.
3. Store the appliance out of children’s reach.