You can vary the amount of vibrato intensity for the
overall style with this parameter. All the styles were
designed to be useful at middle values but you can add
or remove vibrato as you like.
V1 to V4 PORTA
Each voice has its own Portamento time. Portamento is
a delayed response to the pitch movement of your
singing voice. It is also referred to as "Glide" in
synthesizers. The range of values equals approximately
how long the upwards or downwards slide will take to
reach each new note. Setting each voice to different
values greatly assists the illusion of other singers singing
with you.
At low values, Smoothing acts like pitch correction for
the harmony voices. With the voices corrected like this,
some Portamento is usually required to help soften note
to note transitions unless a robot-like effect is desired.
Higher values offer progressively less correction. Like
Portamento, setting each voice with a unique value of
the Smoothing parameter helps the harmonies sound
more natural. When NATURALPLAY is set to MIDI
NOTES, high values of smoothing will sound out of tune.
This parameter changes the harmony note response to
DOM7 guitar chords only. At the default setting;
ACCEPT DOM7, whenever you play a dominant 7th
chord and the combination of your singing note and
harmony voicing is set to produce a 7th harmony, you’ll
hear the 7th.
In a song composed largely of DOM7 chords, it’s not
that easy to sing a melody composed of all of the 7ths
and thus, many harmony singers move to the chord root
instead. Broadly speaking, this is also a difference
between a “Pop” sounding harmony and a more “Bluesy”
harmony sound.This is what the IGNORE DOM7 setting
does. A good song to play and sing to check out the
difference is “Michelle” by the Beatles.
The Edit Menu: HARMONY Tab