THDC / THDCP - 954 / 955 / 974 (Rev. 06/03)
THDC / THDCP - 954 / 955 / 974 (Rev. 06/03)
should be observed when working on or around
should be observed when working on or around
the alternator.
the alternator.
Avoid grounding
grounding the
the output
output wires
wires or
or the
the field
field wires
between the alter
between the alternator and the regulator
nator and the regulator.
. Never
run an alternator on an open circuit.
run an alternator on an open circuit.
Grounding an alternator’s output wires or termi-
Grounding an alternator’s output wires or termi-
nals, which are always hot regardless of whether
nals, which are always hot regardless of whether
or not the engine is running or accidentally revers-
or not the engine is running or accidentally revers-
ing of the battery polarity, will destroy the diodes.
ing of the battery polarity, will destroy the diodes.
Grounding the field circuit will also result in the
Grounding the field circuit will also result in the
destruction of the diodes
ion of the diodes.
. Some volt
Some voltage regula-
age regula-
tors provide protection against some of these cir-
tors provide protection against some of these cir-
cumstances; however, it
es; however, it is recommended that
is recommended that
extreme caution be used.
extreme caution be used.
Never disconnect the battery while the alternator
Never disconnect the battery while the alternator
is in operati
is in operation.
on. Disc
Disconnecting the batter
onnecting the battery will
y will
result in damage to the diodes, caused by the
result in damage to the diodes, caused by the
momentary high voltage and current induced by
momentary high voltage and current induced by
the instantaneous collapse of the magnetic field
the instantaneous collapse of the magnetic field
surrounding the field windings.
surrounding the field windings.
Accidentally reversing the
Accidentally reversing the
battery polarity will destroy the diodes of the
battery polarity will destroy the diodes of the
alternator circuit.
alternator circuit.
It is normal for the alternator light to stay
It is normal for the alternator light to stay
on when the engi
on when the engine is star
ne is started.
ted. Once the engi
Once the engine is
ne is
accelerated, the
the light
light should
should go
go out.
66 SHT
SHT. 01
. 01
Illustration 6
ration 6-1.
-1. Dash Pane
Dash Panell