PD / PCA / PCA PLUS - Rev. 01 - Jun/22
Cleaning the filter
The filter maintenance (A) as well as its replacement on the hydraulic system is
fundamental to assure that the system works properly.
This operation is done as indicated on the previous pages or in a pre-determined interval
by the filter manufacturer.
Draining and cleaning
1. The maintenance starts by draining the oil reservoir.
2. The following step consists of removing the filter (A) and the sealing accessory for
cleaning, including the nearby areas to avoid that any impurity get inside the filter.
3. To finish the cleaning, it is indicated to use a cloth.
4. Place the sealing accessory and the new filter that must be already filled up with
a clean oil.
Filling up
1. Fill up the oil reservoir until the level that is indicated on the previous page.
2. Lastly, it is necessary to execute the hydraulic commands to normalize the fluid
circulation and to check eventual leaks.
8. Maintenance
- Do not make any repairs when the system is pressurized.
- Always use adequate protection for the eye and hands when looking for high pressure
hydraulic leaks.