Manual Conventions
The following typefaces will be used in this Owner’s
Manual as indicated.
The names of keys and controls are given in the
following typeface:
Messages shown on the VGA monitor are given in the
following typeface:
Messages shown in the alphanumeric portion of the
LCD are given in the following typeface:
Midi Device ID
The following icons will be used in this Owner’s Manual as
Instructions that should be followed to avoid injury,
damage to the unit or other equipment, and loss of data.
This icon indicates a hint or tip on using the X-48MKII.
This icon indicates explanation of actions in special
situation and supplement.
This icon indicates instructions related to using the
keyboard, mouse and monitor interface.
This icon indicates instructions related to using the front
panel of the X-48MKII
Required Equipment
While the X-48MKII is a comprehensive piece of
professional audio gear, there are other things you may
need to take full advantage of its capabilities:
A console with a minimum of 8 outputs (at least 24
is recommended) and enough inputs to handle your
expected track count.
An optional IF-AN24X analog I/O card if connecting the
X-48MKII to an analog console. The IF-AN24X provides
the X-48MKII with 24 analog inputs and 24 analog
An optional digital I/O card (IF-AD24(X) or IF-AE24(X))
if connecting your X-48MKII to a digital console so
equipped. These cards provide the X-48MKII with 24
digital inputs and 24 digital outputs per card.
Analog or digital cables appropriate to your console
and choice of I/O format.
In order to use the X-48MKII’s editing, DSP and mixing
capabilities, you will need a VGA monitor (1024 x 768
minimum resolution), a two-button PC mouse (PS/2 or
USB) and a PC keyboard (PS/2 or USB).
Intellectual property rights
TASCAM is a trademark of TEAC Corporation, registered
in the U.S. and other countries.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Embedded and Windows
Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or
other countries.
Apple, Macintosh, Mac OS and Mac OS X are trademarks
of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
The SANEWAVE logo is a trademark of Tudor Products
Other company names, product names and logos
in this document are the trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective owners.
Any data, including, but not limited to information,
described herein are intended only as illustrations
of such data and/or information and not as the
specifications for such data and/or information. TEAC
Corporation disclaims any warranty that any use
of such data and/or information shall be free from
infringement of any third party’s intellectual property
rights or other proprietary rights, and further, assumes
no liability of whatsoever nature in the event of any
such infringement, or arising from or connected with
or related to the use of such data and/or information.
This product is designed to help you record and
reproduce sound works to which you own the
copyright, or where you have obtained permission
from the copyright holder or the rightful licensor.
Unless you own the copyright, or have obtained the
appropriate permission from the copyright holder
or the rightful licensor, your unauthorized recording,
reproduction or distribution thereof may result in
severe criminal penalties under copyright laws and
international copyright treaties. If you are uncertain
about your rights, contact your legal advisor. Under no
circumstances will TEAC Corporation be responsible
for the consequences of any illegal copying performed
using the recorder.
1 – Introduction