TASCAM MMR/MMP V 3. 0 Tips For Pro Tools Users
Session Start Time Restrictions
When recording additional audio on existing projects created originally with Pro Tools, audio
punch-in before the start time defined in the project is not allowed. Pro Tools has the same
restriction. If it is necessary to punch in on a track before the Session start time, use the Pro Tools
system to re-set the session start time as appropriate. The MMR-8 has no provision to set the start
time, except for tape mode. Non-TapeMode Pro Tools sessions generated on the MMR-8 always
use a start time of 00:00:00:00 and hence will have no punch-in restriction. A TapeMode project
has its own TapeMode start time (Setup menu 230) for all formats.
Time Stamp support
Whenever a recording is made on the MMR/MMP, a time code stamp is recorded as an attribute
of the SDII audio file. Time stamps are retained when files are backed up, exported, or converted.
To use the time stamp in Pro Tools, use the Spot option along with the “hand” cursor.
Using TapeMode with Pro Tools Sessions
Although Pro Tools has a destructive record mode, it does not work the same way as the MMR
TapeMode, so some of the rules for using TapeMode on the MMR-8 do not have an equivalent on
the Pro Tools system. It is important to understand the consequences of using TapeMode when
recording in the Pro Tools Session file format, since there are differences between the way
TapeMode recording works with WaveFrame files and how it works with Pro Tools Sessions.
What is TapeMode?
TapeMode is a method of recording audio with the MMR-8 that directly overwrites any previously
existing audio material whenever a recording is made. This saves disk space when the unit is being
used to record mixes, since it is only the most recent recording that mixers want to keep. This
exactly emulates the way mixers have worked for years with analog or digital tape machines, hence
the term TapeMode. TapeMode is also more efficient in its use of system processing resources and
makes repeated seamless punch operations extremely reliable. This is a useful way to record on the
MMR-8 because it makes the most efficient use of disk space when recording mix tracks that will
have a lot of record punch-in and out passes over the same part of the track. It will also make the
MMR-8 much less susceptible to “media too slow” errors when punching in and out across many
tracks simultaneously, particularly when recording 24-bit files.
Creating A TapeMode Project in Pro Tools
TapeMode Projects can be created on the MMR via menu 200 or TapeMode Convert. However,
the only way to create an MMR/MMP-readable TapeMode destructive session within the Pro
Tools environment, is by recording at time 00:00:00:00 and not using any breaks or edits. It is not
possible to create a valid TapeMode project on Pro Tools which has a start time other than