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Additional Information

Contact Tandberg Data for general information, sales, service, and support at:

Always check the website for the most up to date information.

Register Your Library

Be sure to register your library for support and product updates. 


You can register online at:

IMPORTANT! Before moving or shipping the library, you must first “Park the Robot”


and replace the shipping locks.

• From the library’s front panel, press the Maintenance/Library Maintenance/


Shipping/Park the Robot buttons.

• After you receive the confirmation message (Park for Shipping Good), insert the 


shipping locks by following the instructions in Step 4 in reverse order. See the 


Product Manual for important information about the shipping lock type.

Copyright 2009 Tandberg Data Corporation: Tandberg Data, Exabyte, the Exabyte Logo, EZ17, M2, SmartClean, VXA, and VXAtape are registered trademarks; ExaBotics 
and MammothTape are trademarks; SupportSuite is a service mark. Linear Tape-Open, LTO, the LTO Logo, Ultrium and the Ultrium Logo are trademarks of HP, IBM, and 
Quantum in the US and other countries. All other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

P/N 1018464 B 

 Sep 2009

