The constant parameters that belong to a particular application are divided into
categories as explained below:
System Constants
System Reset Time
When set to a nonzero value, will stop all
active programs when the specified time
Pressure delay
Defines the delay before a change in a
pressure sensor comes into effect.
Fertilizer leakage limit
Pulses received from a fertilizer meter while its
associated injector is supposed to be closed,
are considered illegal. When the number of
pulses exceeds the specified limit, it indicates a
fertilizer leakage that will be responded by
stopping the irrigation of the related lines.
When the limit is not reached, the illegal pulses
counter is cleared every 30 minutes.
Water pulses before fert
The user may request that starting fertilization
will never happen before sensing flow of water.
Common Scheduling params
When set to YES, will force all the
of all the programs to be of the same length
and to have the same "Current Day".
Common dosage coefficient
Enables changing all water dosages by