TALEX Sp. z o.o.
ul. Dworcowa 9c
77-141 Borzytuchom
tel.: +48 59 821 13 40
With the PTO disengaged, wait until the rotation due to the inertia of the rotating masses has ceased
before anyone enters the danger zone.
After disconnecting the PTO shaft, put the covers back on and put it in the place provided.
After any damage occurs, it must be removed immediately or the shaft replaced with a new one.
Perform all repair, maintenance and adjustment works only with the drive disconnected, the engine turned off
and the ignition key removed..
Pay special attention to the hazards when moving the machine from working to transport position.
Use protective clothing and gloves during maintenance work - especially when replacing
cutting elements!
It is forbidden to operate the machine on the edges of streets, roads, public squares (parks, schools, etc.) or on
stony terrain, in order to avoid the danger of throwing stones and other objects.
All decals on the machine must be legible. If any of them is damaged, it is the responsibility
of the owner/user to replace it with a new one.