(3) By using the transfer tool decrease the stllches 1n the same way as you do 1n the
single bed
• 1n other kinds of rib·s case decrease 1n the same way
Increasing and Decreasing in Multi-Colour Rib Knitting Pattern with
1/1 Needle Selection.
When you want to increase or decrease the stitches 1n Multi colour rib ( 1/1 Needle
Selection) pattern, pay attention to the number of KR needles.
(As we mentioned on page 38, the number of KR needles should be even number.)
Increase one stitch at right side
( 1) Place the carnage on the side which
vou vvanl to :ncreaS("
(In this c:::.s.e right s1,it-")
(2) Br1rig tor-.'\.ard a kH Jlt--'f'dle to ;..,1cc:1t1c,.:1
D ci11d f\:\0 KR needlt:s ro pos1t1or�, B
Bring 1or\:vard the increased needle cf
KH to position D (no1 positron 81
regardles� of the pattern
(3) If you wan! to increase one morP .st11ch.
bring the ne:i..t needle of KH to pcs1t1c:,n
D aga1 n
In this case you don·t have to 1ncrsase
KR needles
-47 --
• • • • •
L......__even number_____J , -
····· 111 f llll
- - --
even number