If you want to reverse the main yarn and the plating yarn. change them aft_er putting
the Carnage at the right s,de of the machine
Change the yarns after disconnecting the KR carnage from the Connecting Arm
Operate the carriage with pulling the yarn by hand lest the yarn should slacken when
you start knitting again.
Racking Pattern in Plating Yarn Knitting
In this pattern. the Racking (KR side)
stitches are d1stingu1shed from the ground
as they are knrtted different colours.
You can enIoy a beautiful contrast pattern
The e:xample 1s knitted with the conb1nat1on
of fine yarns (2 ply)
( 11 Set the Racking Indicator on No. 0
Thead the main yarn into the Yarn Feeder and make a selvedge
In plating yarn knitting. you can·, set the Slide Lever to 11. So do not 1hread two
yarns when you make a selvedge vv1th setting the lever to II
(2) Arrange the needles as shown In the
figure by using the Transfer Needle