Activating Standard Scanning
A standard scan group scans conventional channels (P25 and analog) from across zones, and can also scan one or
two voting groups. A standard scan group appears and behaves on the radio like a separate channel, and all standard
scan groups are included in the channel list. Standard scanning is activated when a standard scan group is selected.
To select a standard scan group:
1. Press
and select
Depending on how the radio is programmed, you may be able to press a function key or use the chan-
nel selector or Quick Access menu to select channels.
2. Scroll to the required group and press
Activating Background Scanning
A background scan group scans the group members, as well as the current channel selected on the radio. The group
member channels can include conventional channels (P25 or analog) across zones, and can also include one or two
voting groups.
Background scanning provides more flexibility than standard scanning, as the radio user can select a current channel
to operate on, while still monitoring permanent group members for activity.
To turn background scanning on:
• Press
and select
Radio settings
, or press the function key programmed for
background scanning.
Background scanning remains on until you either press the function key again, or select a standard,
in-zone or talkgroup scan group.
Changing the background scan group assigned to the function key
1. Press
and select
Radio settings
Set scan key
2. Scroll through the list of background scan groups available and press
. When you next turn on
background scanning, this is the scan group that is activated.
This is also available for Talkgroup and In-zone scanning. See
Tait International Ltd July 2021