March 2003
AVL Report Delay Time :
default = 10h (1600ms)
Two ASCII hex characters.
The time that the A76 delays after receiving an Poll command until it sends back the
response SDM.
Range : 01 to FFh (25600) in steps of 100 ms. Refer to the section.
SDM Lead In Delay :
default = 10h (320ms
Two ASCII hex characters.
The Lead In Delay time of data transmission is the time between the T201X radio
receiving data and keying-up the transmitter, and the A76 sending the data.
Range : 02 to FFh (255) in steps of 20 ms.
Power-up Channel :
default = 01h (channel 1)
Two ASCII hex characters to set the channel the selected when the radio powers-up.
Range : 01 to 04 (for T2010), or 01 to 24 (for T2015).
Data ID :
default = 00008001h
Eight ASCII hex characters to represent the radio ID used when receiving an SDM.
Any ASCII char is valid.
“ is the wildcard for any character. e.g. 12
Emergency AVL Report Count :
default = 03h
Two ASCII hex characters to set the number of AVL reports sent once Emergency mode
has been activated.
Range : 00 to FFh (255), if 00 then the Emergency AVL reports are sent indefinitely.
Emergency AVL Report Period :
default = 05h (5 seconds)
Two ASCII hex characters to set the interval between consecutive AVL reports once
Emergency mode has been activated.
Range : 00 to 3Ch (60), in steps of 1 second.
Group Delay Time
: default = 1000h (4096 ms)
Four ASCII hex characters to set the idle period before an AVL report is sent following
a Group Poll.
Range : 0000 to FEFFh (65279), in steps of 1 ms
Preset AVL Despatcher Address
: default = 00008000
Eight ASCII hex characters to represent the default radio ID used to send AVL reports
Any ASCII char is valid.
“ is the wildcard for any character. e.g. 12
Software Version
Eight ASCII hex characters to represent the software version of the A76 firmware.
Any ASCII char is valid.
Always set to 2303A1xx, where xx is the version number.