March 2003
Programming the A76
Before the A76 can operate, the radio must be configured correctly. The PROGRAM command is used to set
up the default configuration of the A76. An Tait PC application is available for this.
As the serial port of the A76 is expecting NMEA data, the programming command must be in NMEA type
format. For this purpose four new Tait proprietary NMEA messages have been created:
PTPGM - for programming the database configuration
PTWDB - response from the A76 to a PTPGM message
PTRDB - for reading the database configuration
PTDAT - response from the A76 to a PTRDB message
The NMEA PROGRAM command has the format :
$PTPGM [ITEM1] , [ITEM2] , [ITEM3] , [ITEM4] , [ITEM5] , [ITEM6] , [ITEM7] , [ITEM8] , [ITEM9] , [ITEM10]
A76 Configuration flags. Two ASCII hex characters to represent the following 1 byte of
A76 configurational information.
Bit 1 and Bit 0 Baud Rate :
default = 10
Selects the baud rate of the A76 serial port.
00 : 1200 bps
01 : 2400 bps
10 : 4800 bps
11 : 9600 bps
Bit 2 PTT ANI Report :
default = 0
If enabled, an ANI report is sent whenever the PTT is pressed. Refer to
PTT Activated
AVL Reporting.
0 : No ANI report
1 : ANI report Sent
Bit 3 Over-Air Baud Rate :
default = 0
0 : 1200 bps
1 : 2400 bps (Note: the Tait Orca does not support 2400 baud)
Bit 4 FFSK Tone Blanking :
default = 0
If enabled, the speaker is muted if valid FFSK data is detected. Refer to
0 : Tone Blank disabled
1 : Tone Blank enabled
Bit 5 AUX Control :
default = 0
If set to 0, control of the AUX (RS232 CTS) output line is allowed. Refer to
Output Control
0 : AUX Control allowed
1 : AUX Control not allowed
Bit 6 Emergency Mode :
default = 0
If set to 0, the Emergency switch (RS232 RTS) input line will trigger Emergency mode.
0 : Emergency switch detected
1 : Emergency switch not detected
Bit 7 PTT Edge for ANI Report :
default = 0
0 : ANI report sent on PTT
1 : ANI report sent on PTT