Instruction & Operating Manual
Misprints and technical changes reserved
TAE Antriebstechnik
Copyright © by T
AE Antriebstechnik
Adjustment of the I x R compensation (P5). Check for an approximate equal speed
with and without motor load in the lower speed range. Turning the potentiometer
clockwise will increase the speed under load.
Note: if the compensation poten-
tiometer is set too high, the drive will become unstable.
Current limit. In order to check the current limit, the field must be disconnected
and the motor must be blocked. Switch on drive, pre-select speed and adjust
potentiometer P8 for the requested current (during this procedure the red LED 4
must light up). The adjustment must be performed within 10 sec, otherwise dama-
ge to the commutator is possible.
12) Acceleration time. Adjust the requested acceleration time with potentiometer P3.
13) Deceleration time. Set speed potentiometer to 0 and adjust the requested decele-
ration time with potentiometer P2. Note: the deceleration time cannot be less than
the coasting time of the machine since the drive control operates in the first Qua-
drant only ! The deceleration is only effective if the reference value is changed.
6.2 Tachometer feedback control
Check all connections with an ohmmeter for grounds.
Install jumpers I, II, III according to lay-out drawing at page 8.
It might be necessary to adapt resistor R35 to the tachometer.
The calculation of R35 is as follows :
For all further adjustments refer to the adjustments as previously described for the
armature feedback control, however disregard points 1, 3 and 8, and set potentio-
meter P5 (I x R compensation) fully counter clockwise.