Memory mode and memory structure
Incorrect editing
of the „DATABASE.CSV“ could generate errors
in the S4600-ST
Finally save the „DATABASE.CSV“ and restart the S4600-ST
before import the MicroSD card. In this way the database will be
newly read.
Use of the memory
The memory structure consists of 1,000 memory entries (customer
or location), within every entry 10 measurements protocols can be
stored. In total 10,000 measurements can be stored.
At the end of a measurement you can take the measurement
protocol in a free space. The file name is automatically assigned by
the device and is structured as follows:
Date and time Type of measurement (ex.: Pressure)
A file which has been created and saved on the card is protected
against manipulation and, if manipulated, can neither be displayed
by the device nor printed!
26.05.14 08:41 Pressure