SerialGate User Guide
Serial settings for SerialGate are as follows.
Select the operation protocol that will be applied in the serial port.
Disable the serial port.
Allows a use of telnet protocol similar to COM Redirector. To use
Serial/IP software in a PC, this protocol must be selected. .
(Maximum Speed: 460.8 Kbps)
COM Redirector
Use the serial port of SerialGate as a virtual COM port in Windows
Users can connect to serial console using SerialGate with this mode.
With this mode, there is an option to set ‘End of Line’.
Following command is used to enter the serial console:
telnet [SerialGate IP] [Local Socket Port]
TCP Server
SerialGate works as a socket server, waiting for the client connection
on the network. Socket number for awaiting connections can be set
in ‘Local socket port’ field. After socket connection, data between
socket and serial port will be transmitted.
TCP Client
SerialGate acts as a socket client in this mode. It tries to connect to
the server IP address and the socket number assigned when a
certain server waits for connection on the network.
All data between the socket and the serial port is transferred
untouched after the socket connection is established.
TCP Broadcast
SerialGate works as a server, accepting up to 5 simultaneous
connections from socket clients. Data transmitted from SerialGate is
broadcast to each socket client.
TCP Multiplex
SerialGate works as a server, accepting up to 5 simultaneous