Synclavier Regen User Manual
Supersaw partials, and if your Supersaw is 1-voice, it will add a Chorus
voice for you.
If you set Stereo Spread as a destination, you have range settings for all 12
partials. As covered previously, TIMBRE
Stereo Spread
works by adding
amount of panning to each partial, determined by the partial’s
position in the timbre and what value you set this parameter to. With the
use of a modulator, you can limit the range of the
on a per partial
basis. Additionally, for Supersaw partials, the
Stereo Spread
of the
Subtractive controls will be modulated by this destination.
If you use Crossfader as the source, this will commandeer the Partial
Crossfader, effectively rerouting the output of the crossfader to that
modulator rather than its default volume destination. This is particular
useful if you wanted to make a parameter a function of keyboard note.
With the Partial Crossfader’s input set to Keyboard, you could select
Crossfader as a modulator source and then Tremolo Depth could be the
destination; the higher the note struck, the higher the tremolo. And of
course, this effect could be tailored on a per partial basis by adjusting the
modulator ranges. NB: if you want the Crossfader to still act on volume,
but additionally use its input for tremolo, you would use two modulators
set to Crossfader source, with one destination set to Volume and one to
Tremolo Depth.
You can route an LFO A to an LFO B parameter (Depth, Rate, Attack) or B
to A, but you cannot route A to A or B to B to avoid circular dependencies.
Many more creative uses of Modulators can be found in Synclavier Selects Vol 3.
Here’s a few examples:
Dueling Harps [SDT 4-1] routes an LFO to Pan so that the two harp samples
move in the stereo field and cross each other at the midpoint. It also uses a
modulator to route a volume envelope to reverb, so reverb increases as the
timbre sustains NB: this modulator takes its source from the last played note of
the track, since reverb is a track-level effect.
Leftfield Organ [RW 5-3] routes a Volume Envelope to Stereo Spread, so that
the stereo field of the sound widens as each note is played;