Synclavier Regen User Manual
When On, this changes the attack from linear to an s-curve: the
change will be faster to start with, will slow down for the middle of
the attack, and speed up towards the end. If you set
Trem Depth
100% and the
Trem Attack
to 12s or so, you should be able to hear
and see (on the graphical display) the difference between s-curve
and linear attack.
Trm Phase
This defaults to 180° which allows full left/right stereo panning
effects. Turning the knob full down to 0° or full up to 360° will allow
tremolo (Amplitude Modulation) effects with no left/right stereo
panning. Other settings between 0° and 360° will provide varying
degrees of panning versus amplitude modulation depth.
This parameter changes the direction the tremolo wave starts in.
When the parameter is Off, the stereo position moves to the left
first, from its original (panned) stereo position. When the button is
On, the stereo position moves to the right first, from its original
stereo position.
Trem/LFO B
The Alternate parameter turns on a function that alternates the
starting Left/Right side of a Left/Right Pan for every new MIDI note
on event. (when this is on, invert only affects the first note played.)
When On, all notes played will use the same LFO, so the phase will
be synced. When Off, each new note on event will trigger a fresh
tremolo LFO started for that note.
Sync On is great for playing chords as now matter how tight the
keys are struck the effect will sound homogenous. This is especially
useful when you map the Tremolo LFO to destinations such as filter
Sync Off is great for emulating real-life instruments or when using
Tremolo for panning at a low Rate: each note can appear and
disappear at a different spot on the stereo field.