The wire is broken.
The wire is loose in the electrode connector.
The patient cable is broken
The patient cable is not connected properly.
The NeuRx
EPG is broken.
Please follow the troubleshooting guide provided in this manual. If you see that an
electrode wire is loose or broken, call your healthcare provider who is helping you with
your NeuRx DPS
to discuss how to get it repaired.
Figure 7.
"X" could mean loose or broken electrode wires or patient cable or a broken
You will use the NeuRx
DPS to condition your diaphragm. In conditioning, the
EPG sends a small amount of electricity through the wires to your diaphragm.
This causes your diaphragm to contract. When your diaphragm is conditioned, it will
do a better job of helping your breathing.
Your healthcare provider will tell you how to use the NeuRx
EPG. You should
condition your diaphragm with the NeuRx
EPG at least 3 times per day. Each
session should last at least 30 minutes. You may find it helpful to use the NeuRx
EPG for longer periods to help with breathing. The NeuRx
EPG may be used at the
same time as non-invasive ventilation. You may also sleep with the NeuRx
EPG to
assist with breathing difficulties at night.
At visits to your ALS healthcare provider, the settings of your NeuRx
EPG may be
adjusted as needed. The number of “breaths” or stimulations you receive per minute
may be changed. The “power” or charge of each stimulation may also be changed.