To protect the NeuRx
EPG against damage due to moisture,
do NOT
allow the NeuRx
EPG to get wet
. The EPG may quit working and not be available
for use when needed.
CAUTION: Do NOT get wet while using the NeuRx
. This includes bathing,
showering, swimming, or any other activity in which you could get wet. While the
EPG is designed to keep moisture out, the EPG is not waterproof. If the
location where the electrode wires pass through your skin (the
exit sites
) gets wet, it
may affect treatment. You may receive less stimulation. You may also feel the
sensation of the stimulation. Take steps to keep the exit sites from getting wet.
Protect the exit sites with a gauze pad and transparent dressing (such as Tegaderm™
or Op-Site™). If the exit site gets wet, clean it with an alcohol wipe. Use an
individually packaged pad saturated with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Allow the alcohol to
air dry before use.
Do NOT have the EPG connected during any type of electrical
diagnostic test such as an electromyogram (EMG) or electrocardiogram (ECG)
The use of the EPG during such tests could interfere with those tests.
Some electrically powered
equipment gives off electromagnetic waves which could interfere with your NeuRx
When using your NeuRx
EPG around electrical equipment, check the NeuRx
EPG screen to make sure the EPG is working.
To reduce the possibility of interference from other electrical equipment,
NOT use cables or accessories with your NeuRx
EPG other than those