After surgery, you will be able to see about 1 to 2 inches of each electrode wire
outside your body.
After surgery you may have an x-ray. This is done to check for abdominal air that may
have gone to your chest (capnothorax). If needed, a tube may be placed in your chest
to remove the carbon dioxide. After the surgery, your surgeon will decide how long
you will have to stay in the hospital.
Your NeuRx DPS
may be implanted as a same-day surgery. Depending on your
condition before and after surgery, you may need to spend the night. If you have a
second procedure at the same time as your DPS implant you may need a longer stay
in the hospital. You should discuss this with your surgeon prior to surgery.
While you are recovering from surgery, a healthcare provider will adjust the settings
on your NeuRx
EPG. The purpose is to give the right amount of stimulation to your
diaphragm. If the stimulation makes you uncomfortable, tell your healthcare provider.
He or she can change the settings to reduce or eliminate the discomfort.
Before you leave the hospital, the staff will give you detailed instructions on how to
use the NeuRx DPS
. You will also be given this manual. You will use the NeuRx
DPS to condition your diaphragm. In conditioning, the NeuRx
EPG sends a small
amount of electricity through the wires to your diaphragm. This causes your
diaphragm to contract. When your diaphragm is conditioned, it will do a better job of
helping your breathing. See the sections on Conditioning Sessions and Conditioning
Warnings for information about conditioning your diaphragm.
You will need to keep dry while using the NeuRx
EPG. The NeuRx
EPG is not
waterproof. Refer to the section “HOW TO SHOWER OR BATHE” on page 34 for
instructions on bathing, showering, swimming, or any activity during which you could
get wet.
If your NeuRx
EPG is properly cared for, the device should keep working for years.
However, you will need to change the battery in your NeuRx
EPG about every 500
hours of use. The following sections will walk you through the use, care and
troubleshooting of the NeuRx