c) Programming or Changing User Code
A maximum of 99 different user codes can be programmed. The user code
“3333” is pre-programmed for memory slot “01” in the factory settings. Of
course, it can be changed.
Write down all user codes (memory slot and user code programmed for it). Also
write down precisely who you pass a user code on to. This way, you can change
or delete this user code speci
cally later.
The code length of master code and user code must be the same.
If you have programmed a 5-digit master code, the user codes must
have 5 digits as well.
Start the programming mode as described in chapter 8. a). The yellow LED must
be lit.
Then enter:
*XX “User code”
(XX = memory slot no. 01...19)
*6YY “User code”
(YY = Memory slot no. 20...99)
Observe that the
gure “6” is only entered for the memory slot no. 20...99.
Example 1:
User code “4444” is assigned to memory slot “02”.
Example 2:
User code “5555” is assigned to memory slot “35”.
If desired, you can programme other settings now or leave the programming
mode with the pound key (#).