XLINK 500/100 Operations & Maintenance Manual page # 79
Precip Accumulation Reset may only be performed on a tipping bucket connected to
When the station is setup for Precip Accumulation, it may also be setup to automatically reset
the accumulation at a specific time.
The Accumulation Reset options are
Off (default)
When Accumulation Reset is active, additional settings are used to tell when to reset
Accu Reset Month (default is 0)
Accu Reset Day (default is 0)
Accu Reset Hour (default is 0)
By default, when the station is setup for a Daily reset, it will reset accumulation at midnight of
the next day. Monthly resets, by default, happen on midnight of the first day of the month.
Yearly resets, by default, happen on midnight Jan 1st.
If one wanted to reset accumulation at 11AM on July 2nd every year, one would set the Hour to
11, Day to 2, Month to 7, and Accumulation Reset to Yearly.
If one wanted to reset accumulation at noon every day, one would set the Hour to 12 and
Accumulation Reset to Daily.
Whenever accumulation is reset, additional data is written to the log. The example below has
measurement M3 setup for Precip Accumulation with Accumulation Reset set to Daily. The
measurement is scheduled every minute. The label is PRECIP_DAIL.
02/28/2019,23:59:59,M3 Daily,1.24,in,G
03/01/2019,00:00:00,Accumulation Reset,3,,G
Please note how the PRECIP_DAIL is logged at midnight on 03/01/2019 with the PREVIOUS day's
Note how the system automatically creates a M3 Daily log entry at 23:59:59 on 02/28/2019. The
M3 Daily log entry is meant to help with historic records by providing the daily accumulation with
a timestamp of the day that it happened on. The M3 Daily entry does NOT get transmitted.
Note also the Accumulation Reset log event indicating that M3 counts were reset.