Figure 2: Connection scheme of the Delayline Detector and readout package.
• The pulse processing unit ACU can be connected directly to the DLD 4-fold SMB feedthrough. The
metal pin gives the orientation. Fasten the ACU with the two clips on the housing.
• Use the DLD readout cable to connect the “Lines Out” socket on the front of the ACU with the “TDC
Input” socket at the rear panel of the TDC (see the TDC manual for the specific connection scheme of
the TDC).
• The CF160 base flange holds 1 CF40 flange with 3 SHV feedthroughs for the high voltage supply of the
detector named “MCP-F” , “MCP-B” and “U_DLD”. The naming can be found directly engraved on the
CF40 flange. “MCP-F” is the contact to the front side of the MCP stack, “MCP-B” is the contact to the back
side of the MCP stack and “U_DLD” is connected to the detector anode.
Be sure that all voltages are settled to zero before connecting the high voltage cables to
the detector, otherwise serious damage to the detector can occur due to high voltage
• Use the SHV cables to connect the corresponding outputs of the high voltage power supply (“MCP-F”,
“MCP-B”, and “U_DLD”) to the corresponding feedthroughs of the detector.
DLD8080 R4.30 & R4.31 Manual | Surface Concept GmbH