6.7 Door Latch Lubrication
Lightly lubricate the hook of door latch (SF0031) with graphite grease on a yearly basis to prevent abrasive wear.
Occasionally inspect the bushing of the door latch. If required, adjust the tightness of the latch bolt using a 5/32”
hex key.
6.8 Paint
Paint touch-ups can be performed on the unit using a high temperature paint (in aerosol spray can format) by
Stove Bright®. Refer to your invoice to determine the precise color of your unit
. Contact your local hearth shop
for further information on purchasing this paint.
NOTE: Apply the paint in a well ventilated area. If applying paint to the door, properly cover/mask the glass of
the door using painters tape and cardboard. Wait for paint to dry before operating the unit. Refer to the
instructions on the label of the aerosol spray can for proper paint application.
WARNING: Never apply paint to
the unit during operation or when it is hot.
6.9 Removal of FLAIR
Occasionally, a technician or an inspector may require the fireplace insert to be temporarily removed from the
masonry fireplace; therefore, refer to the following instructions for proper removal of the FLAIR:
a) Remove and dispose any ashes from within the firebox (see Section 5.1
b) Remove the door of the firebox and place it at a safe location to avoid any damage.
c) Remove the surround of the unit by unscrewing the 4 screws at each corner of the door holder.
d) From within the firebox, displace the chimney sweeping cap located in the baffle by lifting and moving it
to the side.
e) Straighten the clips of the adaptor.
f) Use the handle to push the adaptor upwards and disconnect it from the firebox.
g) Safely remove the fireplace insert.
Refer to Section 3
for reinstalling the firebox and the surround.
CAUTION: Never remove the fireplace insert while still in operation (hot).
Stove Bright® metallic black paint 6309