Chapter 4: AMI BIOS
Bits Per Second
This item sets the transmission speed for a serial port used in Console Redirec-
tion. Make sure that the same speed is used in the host computer and the client
computer. A lower transmission speed may be required for long and busy lines.
The options are 9600, 19200, 57600, and
(bits per second).
Flow Control
This feature allows the user to set the flow control for Console Redirection to
prevent data loss caused by buffer overflow. Send a "Stop" signal to stop send
ing data when the receiving buffer is full. Send a "Start" signal to start sending
data when the receiving buffer is empty. The options are
Hardware RTS/
CTS, and Software Xon/Xoff.
Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits
The setting for each of these items is displayed.
Hardware Health Configuration
Fan Speed Control Mode
This feature allows the user to decide how the system controls the speeds of the
onboard fans. The CPU temperature and the fan speed are correlative. When the
CPU on-die temperature increases, the fan speed will also increase for effective
system cooling. Select "Full Speed" to allow the onboard fans to run at full speed
(of 100% Pulse Width Modulation Duty Cycle) for maximum cooling. This setting
is recommended for special system configuration or debugging. Select "Standard"
for the onboard fans to run at 50% of the Initial PWM Cycle in order to balance the
needs between system cooling and power saving. This setting is recommended
for regular systems with normal hardware configurations. Select "Optimal" for the
onboard fans to run at 30% of the Initial PWM Cycle for best power efficiency and
maximum quietness. The options are Full Speed (@100% of PWM Cycle),
(@50% of PWM Cycle), and Optimal (@30% of PWM Cycle).
CPU, System, Peripheral Temperature
This feature displays the current temperature of the above monitors.
Fan1 Speed
This feature displays the fan speed reading from the Fan 1 interface.
This feature displays the current voltages of the above voltage monitors.