Chapter 3: Rack Setup and Installation
Chapter 3
Rack Setup and Installation
3-1 Overview
This chapter provides information on setting up and installing your SuperRack
system. It is assumed in this chapter that your SuperRack system is shipped
assembled and ready for installation on site. .
3-2 Inspecting the Rack and Shipping Crate
You should inspect the crate the SuperRack system was shipped in and note if it
was damaged in any way. After unshipping the SuperRack from the crate inspect
the SuperRack itself for any damage. If the rack itself shows damage you should
fi le a damage claim with the carrier who delivered it.
3-3 Preparing for Setup
Before setting up your SuperRack system, please review the following setup
information and considerations for the location where the SuperRack system will
be installed.
Location Setup Recommendations
Below are recommended requirements for the setup location:
Location should have reliable local power and the utility should have the
availability to provide two alternate electrical feeds preferably from separate
Have a minimum of two routes for data and phone infrastructure into the
Minimum one hour fi re rated walls
Minimum 100+ PSF fl oor loading, or 200+ PSF fl oor loading to be determined
by equipment load
Nine (9) feet raised fl oor to ceiling clear height minimum